Young Adults Today Reject What They Mistakenly Think Marriage Is

I came across a wonderful quote by the infamous Catholic Bishop Fulton J. Sheen that got me to thinking about reasons young adults reject marriage today. Years ago, Sheen stated the following:

Not 100 in the United States hate the Roman Catholic Church, but millions hate what they mistakenly think the Roman Catholic Church is.

It occured to me that the same can be said about marriage. In today’s cultural environment, marriage is the butt of every joke—for example I recently saw a commercial where two women, apparently at a wedding reception, are sitting together at a table having yogurt and commenting on how good it is—as they go back and forth sharing their opinions in comparison to other things they consider good, one of them finally comments that the yogurt is “Not catching the bouquet” good. The message being that marriage is undesirable—according to the tradition of catching the bouquet, the woman who catches it is next to marry. This innocent little dialogue about yogurt effectively implies that marriage is not something desirable or good.

Now, drawing from the wisdom reflected in that great quote of Bishop Sheen here’s what I believe—there are few who actually see marriage as undesirable, but rather many who reject what they mistakenly think marriage is and thus find it undesirable! With roughly 95% of the population in this country expecting to marry we need to get an accurate view of what marriage really is. That’s my twist on a great quote.  Your thoughts?

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